How to get from Puno to Copacabana desde Puno?

To get from Puno to Copacabana,  you need to decide if you will spend the previous night in Puno or if you will arrive the same day. Considering this information, you can decide the best option to go to Copacabana.

1.- By touristic bus:

There are several bus companies running this route. The most known companies are:  Tour Perú, Titikaka, Huayruro, Panamericano. These companies leave Puno  at 7:00 am from the Terminal terrestre. They have staff onboard, that will help you with the immigration process. The travel journey is 3 hours 30 minutos to 4 hours. 

Remember to set up your watch as soon as you get the border, there is one hour difference between Perú and Bolivia.

You will be arriving to Copacabana around noon.

Some of these companies have an afternoon departure at 1:30 p.m.


2.- Tour from Puno to Copacabana:


If you have arrive to Puno the precious night, this is the best option to go to Copacabana: A tour called LA RUTA AYMARA.  The tour starts in the morning and the visit to  Chullpas de Moroko, Chucuito, Aramu Muru, Pomata and finally getting to the border, after the immnigration process, you will continue to Copacabana and will arrive around 18 hrs. 

If you have time to try this route, you shouldn’t miss it, as you will learn about Perú and its History and culture, this is a recommended tour for those travelers interested in the mistery about Lake Titicaca on the Peruvian side.

3.- Public Transportation Puno – Copacabana:

bus directo

This is the option less expensive, but it’¿s something that will need more energy as well.

When you will be in Puno, take a taxi to the TERMINAL ZONAL, it’s very very important to say TERMINAL ZONAL, because some taxi drivers listen the word TERMINAL and as a robot they take you to the TERMINAL TERRESTRE, which is the main one, but NOT the correct one for you!.

At the Terminal Zonal, you will find signs with name of routes, look for the one who says PUNO – KASANI.  Buy your ticket before getting into the car and just wait until the car leaves. The trip takes around 2 hours.


Once you are in Kasani, take a taxi or a  “moto taxi” to the border, ask to drop you off at Immigration office in Kasani border.

Do all the process at first in Perú, then walk some minutes and get to the Bolivia Immigration Office and do the process there as well.

When everything is done, take a taxi or a shared car to Copacabana. It will take 20 minutes to get there. The car will drop you off close to the Square, where you will be close to the port.

Now that you have learnt how to get from Puno to Copacabana, we suggest to visit the Sun Island, if you still don’t know how to go there, learn here, if you haven’t booked a hotel, here you have some suggestion based on their location.

If you prefer something more peaceful, the Moon island is definitely for you. Learn how to get there and book your lodging to enjoy a wonderful experience.

Have a nice trip!

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