How to get from Cusco to Puno?
To get from Cusco to Puno, you have to consider that there are 3 ways to do it. Here you will find detailed information of each one for you to choose the best one according your itinerary and travel budget. Once you learn this information you will know what to do or not and you will enjoy your trip as much as you can, avoiding a headache because of lack of information.
1.- By Train :
Nowadays this is the best option for travelers who want a complete touristic service. Traveling by train is consired one of the most beautiful routes, therefore it is the one which needs more budget to expend. This is a 10 hours luxury train journey.
If you decide to take this option. The only one company that runs this service is Peru Rail, with its Belmond Andean Explorer service and and Peru Rail Titicaca Service.
Each one has specifics days of running, that is why you should organize your trip advance to verify if there will be a train running to Puno the date you need.
Prices goes from 1200 USD to 2000 USD for Belmond Andean Explorer and 300 USD to 400 USD for Titicaca Service.
2.- By Air:
If you think that this the quickest option you will have, you are wrong!
Unfortunately there are no direct flights from Cusco to Juliaca, it means that flights that you will find on airlines’s websites are flights that take Cusco as an escale coming or going to Lima. This is the reason why the time journey is so long from 4 hours to more than 24 hours because sometimes flights leave Juliaca to Lima, then Lima to Cusco, this itinerary is exhausting kind of a crazy thing.
It’s not a common way to go to Puno, but anyway you can call the Call Center’s Airlines, maybe they will provide a great option to buy a ticket without expending so much time.
3.- By bus:
This route is well-known for travelers. There are 4 options that you can learn about and choose the best one for you.
3.1 A direct Bus from Cusco to Puno
You can take direct buses that leave from the Main Bus Station (Terminal Terrestre). The travel journey is 7 hours.
Buses with this kind of service usually have two schedules:
1.- At nights between 8 to 10 pm, the exact time depends on each company
2.- In the mornings, between 7 to 8.
Companies that are most popular and well-known are Huayruro Tours, Transzela, Turismo Mer, Tour Perú, Cruz del Sur. Prices goes from 50 to 60 soles.
3.2 Day long tourist bus
You can take the bus service with visits on the way. These touristic buses leave Cusco at 7 – 7:30 am. The exact time depends on the company. The day long Tourist Bus is know as “Ruta del Sol“.
On the way you will visit Andahuaylillas Raqchi, you will have a buffet lunch in Sicuani, finally you will visist the archeological site of Pukará.
You will be arriving to Puno around 5:00 p.m. to the Main Bus Station.
Main Companies that run this service are INKA EXPRESS and TURISMO MER, rates are 75 – 90 USD
3.3 Direct transfer by Local Sprinters
You will find Sprinters that leave Cusco, but they just arrive to Juliaca. The rate is 45 – 50 soles. Once in Juliaca you can take a car or taxi to Puno.
3.4 Local transportation
Without hesitation, this is the most affordable way to go to Puno, but it’s also the most exhausting, because you will have to take different local cars on the following route: CUZCO A SICUANI, SICUANI A JULIACA, JULIACA TO PUNO.
Now that you know how to get from Cusco to Puno, choose the best option for you
You need also to think about which kind of lodging you will book in Puno. It can be close to the Main Square or maybe you prefer a hotel with view Lake, that are kind of far from downtown.
You also have the option to stay in Hotels in Puno, that offer a complete experience near the Lake.
Have a nice trip!