How to get from Lima to Puno?
To get from Lima to Puno, at first, you need to be aware that you will face a change on weather (specially if it’s Summer on Lima). Puno’s weather is so different than Lima’s. It is colder and from October to March it’s rainy. You also need to know that because of its location ( 3880 msnm) you could get sick one day or some hours. It won’t be a problem, you just need to get used to it and you can continue will your wonderful trip.
So, now you know which changes you will deal with. Learn and consider the options you have to get and enjoy the amazing city of Lake Titikaka.
1.- By air:
Without hesitation, this is the best option to travel to Puno, because you will expend less time of travelling, unfortunately there is just one point to consider: Puno doesn’t have a airport, the closest airport is located in Juliaca (1 hour 15 minutes away by car) Therefore, learn how to get to Puno as a first subject, then you will learn how to get to Puno from Juliaca.
Nowadays there are several airlines that runs this route. Latam is the airline that has several departures during the day, but you Skyairline and Jet Smart are also airlines operating this route with less daily departures.
It’s better if you plan and book your flight in advance to get a better rate.
Great!, now you know how to get your flight ticket, learn how to get from Juliaca to Puno. There are 3 ways to do it.
1.- Direct shared Transportation:
Once you take you baggage and find the exit door; right outside you will find a WHITE MERCEDES BENZ SPRINTER, with a sign saying PUNO.
The ticket for this service is 20 to 25 soles. It will take you from Juliaca’s airport until Puno city. It can drop you off at your hotel in Puno (if you hotel is located at downtown). You can also ask for a drop off at main bus station or close to the Main Square to find taxis easily.
One of the disavantages of this service it the time you need to wait for the car to leave, as it has to get enought passengers to complete the Car. It can take from 15 to 35 minutes.
2.- Private Taxi:
This is the fastest option, because once you get outside the airport, you will find several taxi drivers willing to do the transfer from Juliaca’s airport to Puno. Prices go from 120 – 130 soles. If you prefer something less expensive, you need to get out of airport and you will find some taxi drivers offering the same service for less soles, this is because taxis which are inside the airport pay a fee to park inside in difference for those who are outside.
3.- Public Transportation:
This is the cheapest option, it will need more patience and effort from you. The safest way is taking a taxi outside the aiport and ask to drop you off at Puno’s Station (Paradero a Puno). There are Several on the city. Once you are there. You will find a line of cars ready to leave, take the one that will have the door opened and sit. You just have to wait until it gets the passengers it needs to leave.
The time trip is around 1 hour.
2.- By bus:
This is a route which is used more for national travelers, as they most of times travel with more luggage that will required an extra payment if you travel by air.
This service needs patience as the travel journey takes 24 – 26 hours.
There are several companies running this route. If you will choose this option to travel, we suggest to take the service of CIVA with its service called EXCLUCIVA or CRUZ DEL SUR bus company. They both have more confortable seats and service than the rest of buses.
After a day of traveling you will arrive to the main bus station in Puno, where you will be able to take a taxi to your hotel.
Now that you know how to get from Lima to Puno, think about the best option for your itinerary.
Puno city is located at the shores of Lake Titikaka, we suggest to visit the most known islands to enjoy a great trip.
Consider that you will be able to choose between a hotel located at downtown, and a hotel located away from downtown but with amazing views to the Lake.
You also have the option to book some Hotels in Puno that provice a complete experience with traditional activities on each place, instead of just providing a service of bed and breakfast.
Enjoy your trip!