How to get from La Paz to Copacabana?

To get from La Paz to Copacabana, you have 2 options, the best for you will depend on your itinerary.

1.- By Touristic bus:

If you are in La Paz, the best option is taking a touristic bus. These buses leave from the Main Terminal, located between Perú and Uruguay Avenue.

All companies do the same route, they leave la Paz, make a short stop in Tiquina, then they continue to Copacabana. The most know companies are  TRANS TITICACA, VICUÑA TRAVEL, DIANA TOURS y TURISBUS. Their schedule depends on each one, some of them leave at 7:30 and anothers at 8:00a.m. If you prefer to travel in the afternoon, TRANS TITICACA has an afternoon departure at 1:30 p.m.

The travel journey is 3 hours to 3 h 30 minutes.

On your arrival to Copacabana , it will be easy for you to get the port.


2.- Local Transportation:


This is the best option for you if you have arrive late to take a touristic bus.

The first thing to do is going to “El Terminal del Cementerio” , we suggest to take a taxi. This bus terminal is located on Baltazar Alquiza street close to Kollasuyo and Mariano Bautista Avenue.

The buses leave from 6 to 17 hrs, they leave the bus station as soon as they get enough passengers. They do the same route than touristic buses. At Tiquina you will have to pay a fee which is 2-3 bs for the ferry. Then it will continue to Copacabana Luego continúa directamente hacia Copacabana.

This travel journey is around 3 hours.

Now that you have learn how to get from La Paz to Copacabana decide and take the best bus for you.  If you are in Copacabana you can’t miss visit Isla del Sol, if you still don’t know how to go there, learn here. Then y you should decide if you will stay in the South or North Side, our suggestion is to book your hotel considering its location, in order that you know how much time you will need to get to your hotel. Here you have some suggestions.

On the other hand if you are traveler that prefer something exclusive, the Isla de la Luna is going to be perfect for you, as this island doesn’t receive many visitants and you will be and feel free.

Learn how to get to the Isla de la Luna here, and you can book your hotel online here.

We really hope you enjoy your trip!

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